
Perfect dark soundtrack
Perfect dark soundtrack

perfect dark soundtrack

Ability to name and save these settings for later loading. Different team selection for each player and bot in the match. Fine tuning of time, score, and team score limits. 38 different weapons/items to select from. Selectable pre-set lists, random selection, or ability to set your own weapons. 13 "Perfect Dark" maps, 3 returning Goldeneye maps, and random map selection. Various game modifying options including One-Hit-Kills, Slow/Fast motion, radar and auto-aim management, as well as others. All 4 "Free For All" modes can still be played in teams. 4 "Free For All" modes, and 2 specific "Teamwork" modes.

perfect dark soundtrack

Pre-set game mode and settings to load and play immediately. 30 different multiplayer challenges, each playable with up to four human players. Ability to rewatch every cinematic in the game. 43 unlockable cheats, from weapons to gameplay alterations. Various gadgets including portal robotic cameras, night vision, x-ray vision, cloaking device, slow-motion enabling combat boost, hacking devices, and more. Nearly all weapons, the exception being Goldeneye weapons and some explosives, having secondary functions. 28 weapons, 5 throwable explosives, and 8 returning Goldeneye weapons. This may be immediate, or they may initially "give up" then pull out secondary weapon when player looks away. Enemies can also pull out secondary weapon (pistol). Disarmed enemies can "give up" and raise their arms. Leg shots can cause limping, AI will hold wounds, and arm shots can cause enemy to drop weapon. Different damage areas (head, torso, arms/legs), with different damage values and AI responses. Possible to suppress sound and stay out of sight to avoid alerting the enemy. Knives + crossbow bolts stick and stay in objects. When hit will 'jerk' along the direction of the bullet. Bullet penetration accurate to weapon used and surface shot. Nightvision, x-ray, blur, and invisibility rendering. "Fishbowl" rendering effect on some items. Ability to shoot out lights, darkening rooms and areas. Different impact marks for different surfaces (wood, metal, ground, etc). "Ting" sound of bullet shells accurate to how long they take to hit the floor. Dynamic lighting from static lights, muzzle flash, and explosions. Varied mission design including all out war, infiltration, hacking, and others. 4th bonus difficult allowing for tweaking of enemy health, damage, and accuracy, all tweakable beyond main difficulty setting values. 3 main difficulties, each with extra objectives and level extensions. Voiced and animated cut-scenes for all missions.

perfect dark soundtrack

Counter-Op, allowing a friend to play as enemy players while you play missions. Co-Op play, with either a human or a bot, and 5 different teammate "personalities" to select.

Perfect dark soundtrack